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sonic activities of i: wound and ambermusic for the tattooed frog

origami vs. manipura - „auropa mon amour“

Release date: 1998
Format: CD-R
Label: ambermusic for the tattooed frog
Price: sold out!


  1.  * medit III
  2.  * nana
  3.  * 22.10.98. 1
  4.  * vessel III
  5.  * medit II
  6.  * 22.10.98. 2
  7.  * flux
  8.  * yellow house I
  9.  * vessel IV
  10.  * 22.10.98. 3
  11.  * vessel V
  12.  * medit I
  13.  * wella hates painstream

live 22.10.98 cafe matrax

origami_vs_manipura_-_flux.mp3 6.29 MB

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